Previous Features:

  • Display Mouse Position:

    • Input: Captures the mouse's X and Y position on the screen using Input.mousePosition.
    • Process: Updates a UI Text element to reflect the current mouse position every frame.
    • Output: The text updates in real-time, showing the user's mouse location on the lower-left corner of the screen.

  • Create/Destroy 3D Objects:

    • Input: Detects a left mouse click using Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0).
    • Process: Depending on the dropdown menu value, it spawns a Cube, Sphere, or Cylinder prefab at the mouse's world position. The object is destroyed after 3 seconds using a coroutine.
    • Output: A 3D object is spawned at the location clicked, and it disappears after 3 seconds.

  • Change Primitive Shape:

    • Input: A dropdown menu is used for selecting the primitive shape (Cube, Sphere, Cylinder).
    • Process: The selected shape is used when the user clicks to create a new object.
    • Output: The object that spawns will be the selected shape from the dropdown menu.

  • Change Color:

    • Input: Three sliders for Red, Green, and Blue values control the color.
    • Process: As the sliders are adjusted, the color of the next object to be created (or the currently existing object) changes in real-time.
    • Output: The object created will have the color determined by the slider values.

  • New Features:

    Feature 1: Shape Spawning with Customization

    • Input: Left mouse click on the game screen.
    • Process: Based on the selected shape in the dropdown (cube, sphere, or cylinder), the script spawns the shape at the mouse's world position.
    • Customization:
      • Color: Controlled by three RGB sliders, allowing users to adjust the spawned shape’s color.
      • Size: Adjusted via a size slider, changing the shape’s scale from small (0.1) to large (3.0 times its original size).
      • Random Rotation: If the "Random Rotation" toggle is enabled, the shape spawns with a randomized rotation.
    • Output: The selected shape, with specified color, size, and rotation, is displayed in the game world at the clicked position.

    Feature 2: Timed Deletion with Toggle Control

    • Input: A toggle for timed deletion and a slider to set the deletion time (1 to 10 seconds).
    • Process: If the "Timed Deletion" toggle is active, the shape will automatically be destroyed after the specified time from the slider.
    • Output: The shape disappears after the chosen delay if timed deletion is enabled, otherwise, it remains in the scene.

    Feature 3: Dynamic Camera Zoom

    • Input: Arrow keys (up/down).
    • Process: The up and down arrow keys adjust the main camera’s field of view, effectively zooming in and out within a range of 20 to 100 degrees.
    • Output: Real-time zoom adjustment as the arrow keys are pressed, changing the view on the scene.

    Feature 4: Display Mouse Position & Digital Clock

    • Mouse Position Display:
      • Input: Real-time mouse movement.
      • Process: Updates the mousePositionText UI element with the current screen X and Y coordinates of the mouse position.
      • Output: Real-time display of the mouse position on the screen as text.
    • Digital Clock:
      • Input: System time.
      • Process: Updates the clockText UI element with the current system time in "HH:mm " format every frame.
      • Output: A live digital clock in the game interface displaying the current time.

    Published 1 day ago
    Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
    (1 total ratings)
    Made withUnity

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